11对单身男女来到海南,自由配对后,共同完成主持人发布的“野外任务”。共同经历身体、精神以及情感上的极限挑战。每天第1名完成任务的搭档将获得美景、大餐、豪华套房等浪漫的奖励。同时每对组合还会在晚上的会议中面临选择——是与自己现在的搭档继续,还是更换搭档,最后2位没被挑选的人,将被淘汰。在经历众多艰险后,嘉宾们或许能在彼此身上发现优点,迸发激情,最终找到心中的另一半。走到最后的那对情侣,将获得环游世界的奖励。 -
Some years ago, while conducting an English language workshop on a hot, dreary afternoon for a large group of students in Singapore, I suddenly felt sorry for them, and decided to tell them a story. It was a romantic love story calculated to make any sixteen-year-old sit up and listen with full attention. I told them about a young Singaporean girl who unexpectedly meets her dream man on a special day - 29 February 1988 - when a quaint old Leap Year custom allows women to make the first move in a romantic encounter. Our heroine does precisely that. Hereafter she and the dream man, both exceptionally attractive and brimming with life's hopes and dreams, are caught in a dizzying spin of events that Fate seems to like visiting upon young lovers. "You will come together at last. But not yet, not yet," says Fate mischievously. The lovers meet every 29 February over 12 years, in breathless negotiations of the many pitfalls along the path of true love which has never run smooth anyway, before their hopes are finally fulfilled in a spectacular millennial culmination worthy of love's loftiest dreams.
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